Optimize the process of enrollment and management of training courses

From 1990 IPRASE (provincial institute for research and educational experimentation) provides training courses for teachers. More generally, it promotes and activates projects tied with research, experimentation, documentation; studying and trying to examine in depth teaching and formative subjects and to facilitate projects that sustain teaching innovation and the scholastic autonomy in Trentino.

During the years, IPRASE, while trying to organize the process of registration and management of the courses, has gathered a series of processes. This fact started a fragmented flux, which was complex and burdensome both for teachers and for IPRASE employees. The institute thus asked as to think about a way to automate their management flux of the courses, starting from the moment of the registration to the one where formation was supplied.

What we did
Adopting a user-centered approach, we analysed the problems that characterised the existing process with IPRASE and other users. We spent a few days with the final users of this service, such as those people who design the courses, who publish them and who manage them. By studying their context, we had the opportunity to observe and comprehend the complex reality of this existing flux of work. Consequently, we had the opportunity to take into consideration different points of view of people who work with these problems everyday.
Thus, we have been able to project a flux that met the target’s necessities and clients’ objectives. Trying to automate and digitalise the process as much as we could, we managed to redefine those fluxes both from an offline point of view and an online one; also thanks to the creation of an integrated platform that is accessible from their website through login. Beyond the service design and front-end development we managed to offer a 360° planning and development.
Using the software Liferay, nominated leader in the Magic Quadrant di Gartner regarding the creation of experiences and digital platforms, we managed to unify three different systems (FileMaker, Wordpress and Liferay respectively) in one system only.
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