Tired of dedicating too much time to your calendar?

pd calendar

Clarity, precision, and organization are three fundamental aspects necessary to make your work efficient. In this way, you can avoid wasting your time and dedicate yourself to more important aspects of your work. 

Every day we receive numerous emails, calls, messages not to mention all the appointments we forget to participate to or that we need to postpone due to the wrong day or time scheduled. 

Don't worry!  Pipedrive will help you in this job thanks to the function called "email and calendar sync". Let's explore them in detail below. 

Email sync

How many emails do we loose in our email list without even being able to retrieve them once read? A lot, am I right?

Pipedrive will think about it; you'll only have to select the contact you want to review and Pipedrive will give you an overall view of all your activities regarding the person.


Pipedrive will calculate to which contacts and deals your emails and conversation belong to: taking into consideration the email address from which the message was sent, you'll have a clear vision regarding all your conversations. 

What is the most useful thing? Thanks to the email sync with your email provider (Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook...) you'll have a Pipedrive email database where you can see and manage all your received and sent emails without the need of opening a new tab. 

In order to activate this sync function you have to select settings and apps > email sync and click on the "connect your account" button

You'll have to provide your access info for the email account you want to synchronize on Pipedrive and you'll be ready to start sending your emails. 

It is not over yet! When you send an email, you often ask yourself if this email has been delivered correctly and whether it has been read. With a function in Pipedrive, you can trace all your email and you'll be able to see if the recipient opened the email and if he visualized one of the links available in your email.


Calendar sync 

As for emails,  the sync is also available for the calendar. 
You have to connect your Pipedrive account with your favorite calendar (Google, Outlook, Office, Exchange) in order to have all your appointments in place and under control and to be sure to have scheduled them at the right time on the right day, so you won't forget about your meetings anymore. 

In order to activate the calendar sync function, you have to go to setting and apps > calendar sync > add new account.
Insert the email address you want to sync into the calendar and set its password. 

When you sync your calendar to Pipedrive, you can choose different options and decide how the calendar you chose and Pipedrive will interact, e.g. which calendar you want to sync (if you have many).


Ready to have everything under control? 

Try Pipedrive and test it yourself. The first 30 days are free.

We almost arrived at the end of the series of these articles focused on Pipedrive: this is the fourth out of five.

If you haven't read the other articles and you are curious about discovering the numerous Pipedrive's benefits, click below and read the others!

1. Make your team operative in 8 steps with Pipedrive!
2. Planning fallacy and team organization: how to remain concentrated with Pipedrive
3. Protect your personal data with 2-factor authentication

Do you want to know more?

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Other articles

Do you want to learn more? Here are two more articles on the subject that may be of interest to you.