#2 MuleSoft MeetUp in Geneva: API-led applied to banks - Banca Etica's mobile app case study

Our foundersDavide Piazza and Nicola Grigoletti on the 30th of January will be in Geneva to present the case study on the mobile app used by Banca Etica.
In particular, during this meetup, there will be the occasion to discover new principles that lie behind the API-led approach, analysing in a practical way the case study regarding Banca Etica's app.
During this meetup, Davide and Nicola will demonstrate how the API-led has helped Banca Etica in implementing the mobile app and how this has helped its team to accelerate the releasing times of this project and the later ones.
Thanks to the Anypoint Platform functionalities and to the API-led approach the two teams involved in the project (mobile team and integration team) could proceed and work in parallel. Once that the API experience contracts were defined and exposed to the App, the implementation could occurred smoothly until the final test phase with the users in a short time frame.
Adopting the API-led approach at a level of system of records has permitted to manage the various dynamics of a parallel important and complex project inside the bank without any repercussions, permitting the migration of its core banking system from a provider to another one.
In the following projects, the team of Thread Solutions published the anypoint platform and the best practices on Anypoint Exchange, which permitted to rapidly interface third-party systems for compliance projects and new business opportunities.

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